CSCI 303 Laffra's Chapter 9: "Emails" Instruction: include each question followed by the answer 01. In Laffra's chapter 9 "Best Use for Emails" it was stated that when every chat app in the world has died off, email will still be here. What is an online chat? 02. What are emails best for? 03. What are email distribution lists, and what is their value? 04. Why should an email have a clear and focused title? 05. State some phrases to include in the body of an email to influence the chance that people will read the email? 06. How does the Amazon email template demonstrate the value of a good structure? 07. Why limit the audience for an email? 08. When emailing, why be careful with "Reply All"? 09. What may happen when a reader see a long email? And what is the meaning and value of "TL;DR" in an email? 10. Why would you not ask people to do multiple things in one email? 11. What is "Inbox Zero"? 12. Explain each of these steps for each email you process? -Delete: -Delegate: -Respond: -Defer: -Do: 13. Elaborate on each of these steps to set the right tone for a message: -Stop apologizing: -Be bold: -Do not guess: -Use Active Voice : -Hide your insecurities: 14. If your email signature is your business card, what should your regularly check and update? 15. What is Zawinsky's Law? 16. Identify the problem with robot emails? 17. What are status emails? 18. Specify elements to add to a status email, and indicate what to avoid in status emails. 19. A meeting report contains: 20. Elaborate on how can you make a meeting report more impactful: -Link: -Recycle: -Be transparent: -Agenda for next meeting: 21. State the purpose of a site newsletter.