CSCI 303 Laffra's Chapter 6: "Documents" Instruction: include each question followed by the answer 01. What is shown in a document template? 02. When to use a document? 03. Identify four things every document should contain. 04. What does" TADA!" mean? 05. Why is it that comments added to a document represent collaboration? 06. How may comments be used effectively? 07. Why have your team put all documents in the same place? 08. What is information overload? 09. How can documentation be kept in sync with the code it describes? 10. What value is found in posters created by companies like Google an Uber? 11. Why are design documents superior communication channels compared to chats or emails? 12. How do you make it easy for every to read the design doc? 13. Why should a software engineering team have a "Lonely Planet" guide? To welcome new team memebers 14. Summarize the pattern usually followed when when someone joins a tech company. 15. Describe the general structure of an onboarding document usually followed by Laffra's teams. 16. What should be included in the introduction to an onboarding document? 17. How can a diagram make it easier for new hires to recognize their team? 18. Describe what happens in Laffra's "Five Day Boot Camp"? 19. Give Laffra's recipe for creating an onboarding doc.