15Tue 3 December
  • Discuss assignment 5
  • Exercise: Database with Many-to-Many Relationships
 Thur 5 December
  • Review for Final Exam (to be Thursday December 12th, 10:30am in JO 110)
  • Answer questions about Assignment 5
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Become an Ambassador for ACM: Encourage your colleagues to join ACM, share the benefits of ACM and receive free gifts for participating. Your support of ACM is critical to our continuing efforts to advance computing as a science and a profession.
14Tue 26 November
  • Discuss assignment 5
  • Exercise: Database with Many-to-Many Relationships
 Thur 28 November
  • Thanksgiving Holiday
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Russian military hackers broke into a targeted Wi-Fi network by first hacking into another vulnerable network in a building across the street, remotely hacking into a laptop in that building, and then using that computer's antenna to break into the intended victim's network. At the Cyberwarcon security conference last week, cybersecurity researcher Steven Adair revealed how his firm, Volexity, discovered the unprecedented hacking technique while investigating a network breach targeting a customer in Washington, D.C.
13Tue 19 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
  • Many-to-Many Database Relationships
 Thur 21 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
  • Exercise: Relational Database Modeling
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: ACM has created a new Skills Bundle add-on providing unlimited access to ACM's collection of thousands of online books, courses, and training videos. Included are more than 60,000 online books and video courses, 9,700 online courses, and 11,000 eBooks and audiobooks.
12Tue 12 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
     Exercise:One Dealer to Many Products  
    ('Leslies','903 663-4110'),
    ('Sartins','903 455-4403'),
    ('UnitedAg','903 885-2050')
      *primary key
    Query Dealer and Product then do relational operations on the tables.
    1. INSERT a Dealer with values 'FourBros','(972)636-2936'‎
    2. UPDATE the Product named "HTA66" to set the type to "PoleSaw", and the
       price to 419.99 (do this with a single UPDATE statement).
    3. DELETE the product named "Robotic".
    4. Project values for dealerName, phone, and productName from a JOIN of Dealer
       and Product.
    5. Refine the join query in number 4 to further restrict output to those rows
       with price values less than 500.00.
 Thur 14 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
  • Exercise: Many-to-Many database relationships
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: ACM has relaunched Communications of the ACM (CACM) as a web-first publication, accessible to all without charge including the entire backlog of CACM articles. First published in 1958, CACM is one of the most respected information technology magazines.
10Tue 5 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
 Thur 7 November
  • Discuss assignment 4
  • Exercise: One-to-Many database relationships
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: ACM has relaunched Communications of the ACM (CACM) as a web-first publication, accessible to all without charge including the entire backlog of CACM articles... The web-first model will allow ACM to publish articles more rapidly than before so that readers can keep abreast of the lightning-fast changes in the computing field.
9Tue 29 Oct
  • Discuss assignment 3
  • SQL Indexes
 Thur 31 October
  • Discuss assignment 3(due before Nov 1)
  • SQL Views
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: An experimental eye implant from medical technology company Science Corporation allowed study participants to see well enough to read, play cards, and fill in a crossword puzzle despite being legally blind. The Prima implant consists of a 2-mm square chip surgically placed under the retina. A pair of glasses with a camera captures visual information and beams patterns of infrared light to the chip, which converts the light to electrical pulses and sends them to the brain. Wired; Emily Mullin (October 25, 2024)
8Tue 15 Oct
  • Class Exercises: Data Types;
 Thur 17 October
  • Review https://www.w3schools.in/DBMS/database-normalization/
    Discuss assignment 3
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Does the use of computerized databases mean that many paper files are unnecessary? If they are, what type of paper files may be essential?
9Tue 22 Oct
  • Discuss assignment 3: Database Choices
  • Database and table design concepts
 Thur 24 October
  • Discuss assignment 3: Design
  • Table administration
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: If you are assigned to develop a database system to store data about employee interactions (e.g. phone, email,...), what is your professional responsibility? Does the ACM Code of Ethics provide guidance? (see https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics)
8Tue 15 Oct
  • Class Exercises: Data Types;
 Thur 17 October
  • Review https://www.w3schools.in/DBMS/database-normalization/
    Discuss assignment 3
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Does the use of computerized databases mean that many paper files are unnecessary? If they are, what type of paper files may be essential?
7Tue 8 Oct
  • Class Exercise: SQL Numeric Functions
 Thur 10 October
  • Class Exercise: SQL Date Functions
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: If you are assigned to develop a database system to store data about employee interactions (e.g. phone, email,...), what is your professional responsibility? Does the ACM Code of Ethics provide guidance? (see https://www.acm.org/code-of-ethics)
6Tue 1 Oct
  • Class Exercise: How to code SQL Subquerys
 Thur 3 October
  • Class Exercise: SQL String Functions
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Opponents of privacy legislation have said that the collection and sharing of data among businesses is a form of free speech. How could such sharing pose hazards for individuals and organizations?
5Tue 24 Sep
  • Class Exercise:Retrieving Data from multiple tables
 Thur 26 September
  • Class Exercise: Summary functions and grouping
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: What is the security impact of popularizing hacking by referencing the "SQL injection" technique in the J.K. Rowling novel "The Casual Vacancy"?
4Tue 17 Sep
  • Class Exercise: Single Entity Employee
  • One-to-Many Table Administration
 Thur 19 September
  • Class Exercise: Table Update
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: What are the advantages of designing database applications to be platform independent? Disadvantages?
3Tue 9 Sep
  • Class Exercise: Relational model Concepts
  • Class exercise: SQL Data Manipulation
 Thur 11 September
  • Class Exercise: Single Entity Employee
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue: Would you provide information about yourself to an enterprise whose data had been reported stolen? If not, what change in security would restore your confidence?
2Tue 2 Sep
  • class exercise: Relational database terminology and concepts
 Thur 4 September
  • class exercise: Single Entity Database: Student
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue:Why having incorrect data could be a greater problem than having no data?
1Tue 27 August
    First meeting 12:30pm in JO 110
  • Orientation to resources and introduction to database management
 Thur 29 August
  • class exercise: SQL File Operations
  Ethics, Security, Professional issue:Why learn database management?